Choosing, living in, and leaving retirement housing can be difficult. Are you concerned about a term in your contract, a fee that seems unfair or excessive, or the way management are treating you? Do you have a question about your rights or responsibilities as a resident?
Whether you’re living in a retirement village, caravan or residential park, independent living unit or any other kind of Retirement housing in Victoria, our information, advice and advocacy can help you navigate your way through the maze.

We provides free and confidential advice to financially disadvantaged people living in Retirement Housing in Victoria, as well as workers who support them.

03 9654 7389
Download Brochure

Interpreters are Available.


HAAG's Retirement Housing Service provides information to anyone living in, or interested in Retirement Housing if you are

  • over 55
  • your income is insufficient to sustain your personal financial commitments,
  • your main source of income is a Centrelink benefit, or
  • you have no income

Please call 03 9654 7389 to discuss your unique situation.

    Workers calling on behalf of eligible people are also welcome.

    Common Issues

    • Disputes with management
    • Disputes about fees and charges
    • Contractual disputes
    • Responsibility for repairs and maintenance

    Sounds familiar? We may be able to help.

    Additional Support

    Beyond giving personalized advice and advocacy, HAAGs Retirement Housing Advice Service can also offer:

    • Community education about your rights and responsibilities as residents
    • Support to join a working group
    • Support to start a Residents Committee


    “I am truly grateful to HAAG. They assisted me in making my housing safe and then supported me when I was bullied by the management of my retirement village."
    -Betty Huggins, rental village resident

    ‘HAAG really helped us understand the issues we were facing – their calm and focused approach was a great assurance at a very difficult time.’
    -Allan Meers & Wendy Bramhill, caravan park residents.

    "HAAG knew what they were talking about. They helped my dad understand, and stand up for his legal rights."
    -Patricia Hogan, daughter of Not-for-profit Retirement Village resident.


    Funding for the Retirement Housing Assistance and Advocacy Program provided by the Victorian Government via Consumer Affairs Victoria 

    Workers Advice Line

    Do you have questions about your clients’ rights living in a retirement village, independent living unit, residential or caravan park, or other kind of retirement housing? Do you need help advocating on their behalf? Do you need advice to keep up with changes to the Residential Tenancies Act or to understand retirement village contracts and what they mean for people you work with?

    Whatever the question, our friendly team love sharing their expert knowledge on everything Retirement Housing, including disputes with management, repair issues, breaches and evictions, residents’ committees or just finding affordable retirement housing options. We will work through your client’s options with you and leave you with some practical suggestions.

    Give the team a call on 9654 7389 or email at

    Please note we do not give advice to retirement housing managers and operators, and cannot assist with disputes between residents.

    Tenancy Advice

    If you are aged over 50 years and living in private rental or a rooming house you can contact our Home at Last Service for advice. Call us on 1300 765 178 or drop in to our Housing Information Centre at 1st Floor, Ross House, 247-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Our tenancy workers can assist you with issues like eviction notices and rent increases, and our housing support workers may be able to assist you to find public and community housing (subject to Government eligibility requirements and your location).

    Retirement Housing advice in other states


    NSW Tenants Union can provide advice on land lease communities 

    Retirement Village Residents NSW - a volunteer group that represents and supports residents of Retirement Villages in NSW.

    ARPRA - peak body representing residents living in Residential Land Lease Communities in New South Wales (NSW). 


    Queensland Retirement Village and Park Advice Services (QRVPAS) is a free legal service for residents to understand their rights under the Retirement Villages Act (Qld).

    Association of Residents of Queensland Retirement Villages is a "member-based non-profit association of residents, and a registered charity, run by a committee of volunteers with a strong consumer protection philosophy, who too are residents, well-versed in retirement village matters".

    Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Assocation is a member-based organisation promoting, advance, maintain and safeguard the combined and individual interests of manufactured home owners throughout Queensland

    Alliance of Manufactured Home Owners (AMHO) advocate for the rights and protection of the tens of thousands of homeowners living in residential parks throughout Queensland by offering support services

    South Australia 

    South Australian Government resources for residential parks

    SA Residential Parks Residents Association (SARPRA) represent the interests of residents of South Australian Residential Parks and advocates on behalf of members for improved living conditions. The Committee may assist potential residents to make an informed decision realting to parks and villages.

    SA Retirement Villages Residents Association (SAVRA) a volunteer organisation representing the interests of Retirement Village residents in South Australia.

    Western Australia

    Western Australian Government resources relating to residential parks 

    Park Home Owners Association an incorporated association looking after the interests of permanent (long-stay) residents in WA residential parks and villages. 

    Village Retirement WA a volunteer-run peak body representing the rights and interests of all residents living in retirement Villages in WA.


    Tenants Union of Tasmania is a specialist community legal centre for residential tenants.

    Tasmanian Association for Residents of Retirement Villages "act to advise and represent the interests of members by working with operators and Government to clarify your rights and assist you to effectively have a voice in your future".

    Northern Territory

    Tenants Advice Service provides information and advice to NT tenants, including caravan parks. 

    NT Government information on long-stay caravan park rules