
May 2017

Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) says that the Treasurers budget falls short of delivering housing security for older Australians.
‘The measures put in place in this budget seem to cater mostly for middle-class, income earners and neglect the needs of the most vulnerable; those on government pensions’ says co-manager at HAAG Fiona York.


Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities is a collaboration between Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) and HAAG. The project was designed to reach out to key communities and provide housing options and information in their first language.' At Risk of Homelessness' is the report from this project.


Welcome to the first Older Tenants Voice for 2017!

This edition explores some of the achievements of HAAG and its members over the past 3 months including Retirement Housing Sector Reform and the expansion of HAAG Assistance for Housing and Care (ACH) services into the Barwon Region We also discuss some of the challenges faced through threatened federal government cuts to essential services.

We also pay our respects to Carmel McMennemin, life-time member of HAAG and pioneer for housing rights in Victoria.


HAAG's tenancy worker talks to Jeff Fiedler and April Bragg about the inspiring life of Carmel McMennemin, a longtime member of HAAG who sadly passed away a few weeks ago. This show celebrates her memory and the values she spent her life fighting for.

Newsletter December Summer 2016 Older Tenants' Voice


A Home for diversity is a 6 month project that aimed to increase the capacity of homelessness services to work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The project provided training to housing workers, particularly those who work with older people. This training was provided by the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, in collaboration with Housing for the Aged Action Group.


The first survey of Australian renters has been carried out and the results tell a pretty grim story for the growing number of renters out there. You've heard HAAG harp about this for years, now finally it's backed up by an independant study, one that has been getting a lot of attention.



Thursday 16th February 2017

Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) is appalled at reports that the Turnbull government plans to axe the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) in the May 2017 budget. This agreement between Federal and State governments provides the only Commonwealth funding for housing and homelessness services...


February 2017 - COTA SA

COTA's submission provides recommendations for the Government of South Australia to consider as it formulates its 2017-18 Budget. Within their Housing section, they reference HAAGs own Home at Last service and suggest trialing such a service in SA...


International report by Demographia rating Middle-income housing affordability

Data for 3rd Quarter 2016


Annual Report for the 2015 - 2016 financial year

Download Report

17th November 2016

Media Release on the launch of the report 'A Home for Life' : Towards an Older Person’s Housing strategy” which calls on government to partner with community organisations and adopt recommendations to address the long term housing needs for older people.


November 2016

A report by a coalition of nine leading community agencies, “A Home for Life: Towards an Older Person’s Housing strategy” calls on government to partner with community organisations and adopt recommendations to address the long term housing needs for older people.



Clients Rights and Responsibilites when dealing with Housing for the Aged Action Group and Home at Last


Housing for the Aged Action Groups submission to Infrastructure Victoria’s 30 year strategy

October 2016


These films have been developed in collaboration with community members in response to an increasing awareness of housing issues for older migrant and refugee communities. These films are fictional, but are based on common experiences that lead older people from culturally diverse communities to contact HAAG and Home at Last. The aim of the films is to increase awareness of the different pathways that can lead to housing issues, to increase awareness of Home at Last, and improve the ability of older people from culturally diverse backgrounds to navigate the housing/homelessness system.

Newsletter September Spring 2016 Older Tenants' Voice


A fact sheet developed for members to use when talking to candidates about affordable housing in the upcoming local government elections in October.


September 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the ‘Alternate forms of tenure’ issues paper forming a part of the review of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).

HAAG would like to acknowledge that the submission was compiled with contribution from our members, specifically the Independent Living Unit (ILU) working group and the Caravan and Residential Parks and Villages (CARPAV) working group, and this forms the foundation of our response...


August 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the General Exemption Order (GEO) draft position paper.

This response relates specifically to the exemptions granted to caravan and residential park owners and operators supplying and on-selling electricity through an embedded network, and the consequent impact on long term tenants and residents.

