Raise the Roof Podcasts
HAAGs radio show Raise the Roof airs at 5:30pm every second Wednesday 3CR Community Radio 855AM. The show explores the latest in housing issues, older people and tenants rights.
Fighting Against Inequality
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Lew Wheeler and Ann Davies from the Fight Against Inequality Network join us to talk about their new organisation aiming to connect people and organisations in the fight against inequality, particularly the widening gap between rich and poor in this country. See their website https://fainetwork.com/
"Crones, Hags and Witches": Older women's housing wisdom
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
We hear from two older women with a lived experience of homelessness, Vera and Angela, who fall into the "missing middle" eligibility gap for housing support, speaking at the launch of HAAG's research Not Poor Enough, Not Rich Enough: older people falling through the housing eligibility gap, conducted by Swinburne University of Technology. Read the report here [Apologies for the background noise towards the begining of the episode - blame new year brain fog!]
Older women's safety with Seniors Rights Victoria
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Gary Ferguson is the Education Coordinator at Seniors Rights Victoria. He discusses older women's safety and how elder abuse intersects with housing and women's safety, as well as the importance of early intervention and prevention.Seniors Rights Victoria www.seniorsrights.org.auLGBTIAQ+ Elder Abuse Survey
The Heat is on high rises!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Shane and Fiona talk to Bill McKenzie, public housing resident and HAAG member, talking about his citizen science work at Layfield Court, one of the older persons high rises in Melbourne, and about the issues of heatwaves in high rises, Homes Victoria's communications about the demolitions, and the roll out of the air conditioning program.Corrections: The undercounting of heatwave deaths was between 2006-2017, not 2006-2009. More information can be found via the ANU Climate Energy and Disaster Solutions. The airconditioners supplied by Vic Govt were 2.9KvA not 3.9KVA
Older Person's Housing forum at Victorian Parliament
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Shane and Fiona hear from Prof Wendy Stone, Veda and Chuping who spoke at HAAG's older peoples housing forum at Victorian Parliament House in Septemberhttps://houseonfire.oldertenants.org.au/older-peoples-housing-forum/
Flemington high rise residents speak
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
We hear from older residents of the Flemington public housing high rise slated for redevelopment, recorded at a community meeting on 19 September (thanks Danielle!)Residents are Awatif, Khadija, Ka-tam and Osman and we also hear from Jeannie, former resident of Bang Street and Barack Beacon, speaking at a rally for public housing on Saturday 19 October.You can read the article about OFFICE research into alternatives to redevelopment here: https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/the-simple-solution-to-the-public-housing-towers-knock-down-that-could-save-taxpayers-millions-20241009-p5kgwd.htmlTo follow the court case, go to Save Public Housing collective's instagram page
Dear Landlord
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Fiona speaks to Hannah Lewis and Sam Horman from Homeless Law about their digital tool, Dear Landlord, that they developed in response to the huge demand that Homeless Law was seeing through their advice service. To access the tool, go to https://justiceconnect.org.au/help/dear-landlord/
What's going on in Residential Parks?
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Shane and Fiona speak to Erin Turner, CEO of Consumer Policy Research Centre about their new research in partnership witht he Office of the Residential Tenancies Commissioner, focussing on residential parks.You can find out more and participate in the research by going to their website www.cprc.org.au
What's it like to be an older woman experiencing homelessness
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Shane and Fiona hear from Vera, Glenda and Georgie from an <a href="https://youtu.be/V0DAkInQW5w?si=qkeKOH8kZHQCYmmW">interview recorded last year</a>
Greens talk housing
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Shane talks to Gabrielle de Vietri, Greens spokesperson for housing