Retirement Housing Campaign Events

14 Mar 2025

HAAG will be a speaker at the Banyule Ageing Well Forum

Friday 14th March 8.45am - 3.30pm at Level 4, 1 Flintoff Street Greensborough

4 Oct 2024

An independent, online information session about the retirement housing sector in Victoria. It can be complex to navigate, and this session helps people to understand the pros and cons of different housing types, including retirement villages, residential parks, lifestyle villages, rental villages, and independent living units. The session will also cover where you can go for assistance if you are a retirement housing resident who needs support, information or advice.

Friday 4th October, 2pm – 3pm.
Online via Zoom

Please RSVP here

25 Oct 2023

Join the Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance for an optimistic and engaging discussion about solutions to older women’s homelessness in Melbourne’s eastern region.
Can retirement villages and Independent Living Units can support older women at risk of homelessness? How we can tap into under-utilised buildings and homes to unlock much-needed housing supply? Join the discussions at Maroondah Federation Estate in Ringwood

24 Oct 2023

If you, a friend, a family member or a client are looking into a retirement village, a lifestyle park, a rental village, a residential park or a caravan park come along for a general understanding of the different housing types, their pros and cons and their similarities and differences. The presentation will also cover information on where you can go for assistance if you are a retirement housing residence who needs support, information or advice. It will also discuss campaigning in the retirement housing sector, and how to become a member of one of our action groups to change the system!

4 Oct 2022

Information session for all residents of retirement housing types including retirement villages, residential parks, lifestyle villages, rental villages, independent living units about the need for a specific, timely, free, accessible and binding dispute resolution service for all retirement housing residents, as well as other information on fair fees, management training and simplified contracting.

24 Aug 2022

Do you live in a residential park in Victoria? We want to hear from you! What needs to change to make residential parks work better for older renters? This will be an opportunity for the Commissioner for Residential Tenancies and other policy-makers to hear directly from residents about the good and bad in this type of housing.

14 Apr 2021

The Victorian Government is releasing its long-awaited Options Paper, outlining ideas for reforms to the Retirement Villages Act. HAAG will be making a submission about what our members and clients want and need from this review, and we invite members who live in retirement villages to share their ideas and priorities.

14 Nov 2019

The Retirement Villages Act is under review.  We are holding a meeting of residents to discuss HAAG's submission and assist people to make their own submission if they want to.

When: Thursday 14 November 2019 from 10.00am-12.00

Where: HAAG office, Level 1 247-251 Flinders Lane Melbourne 3000

14 Oct 2019

Are you aged 50 years or older?

Do you live in Victoria?

Do you currently live in a Retirement Village?

If so, you're invited to an morning tea!
