Client's Stories

Joanna, 61, has Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as Carpal Tunnel syndrome.  She was due to have knee and hip replacements, but she told us “I am not sure how long and painful the recovery will be after a hip or knee replacement. I am not in secure housing to recover, so I have no option but to keep delaying the surgery”.

Sue is 74 years old and became homeless when her daughter asked her to leave her property in NSW. She moved to Victoria to stay with a friend, who helped her to connect with the local crisis homelessness service, Beyond Housing. She was referred into our program by Beyond Housing Seymour.

Rodney, an 85 year old man, was living in a bungalow at the back of a house in the western suburbs of Melbourne. He has lived independently his whole life, never married and has no children.

Steve* a 97-year-old resident of Mornington was referred to the Care Finder by concerned
neighbours. They reported that Steve was living in neglect, wore the same outfit covered in food
and urine stains each time the neighbours visited him, and they were concerned about his diet.

Mary* is a 88 year old single woman living alone in a private rental property. She has a severely autistic grandson living nearby and she does not wish to move away from her son and the grandson. She has no other source of income or savings except for the Age Pension which is approximately $1,200 a fortnight. Her rent was increased recently, and she is now paying $490 per week in rent.

Harold* is an older man with disability in his late 70s. He is a wheelchair user living in a rooming house with a private room and a bathroom and shared kitchen. He has lived in the same property for 13 years and considers it his home. The Community Housing Provider that manages the rooming house referred Harol to HAAG’s Care finder service.

In January this year we received a referral from Beyond Housing in Seymour. Glen had moved back to Victoria to live with family after been a victim of a home invasion and serious assault in public housing in NSW. Glen was living in a caravan on a family member’s property at Seymour but he had been asked him to leave, and he was going to start camping by the river.

Jack and his dog Carlos had been living in his van for several years. He had no long-term housing since a family breakdown and had been moving regularly between different states in Australia. His daughter told him about the Home At Last service, so he called to find out if we could assist him.

David was camping with his dog Timmy on the Murray River near Cobram. He had been on the priority housing waiting list for 5 years. David said he had contacted a crisis housing access point several times but he was told there was no housing.

He’d heard about a Housing Information session organized by HAAG at the Cobram Community Centre in February, and decided to come along!

Trevor was referred to our service by the local crisis homelessness service Beyond Housing in December, after he had received an eviction notice due to the landlord wanting to sell. He had until 26 February to find housing, and wanted to move closer to his support networks and medical services in the Yarra Ranges.

Marie was 81-year-old and living in a very dishevelled, 120 year old cottage. She was renting for a number of years and had paid for things to be done on the cottage herself, as the landlord did not want to spend the money. She was understandable very worried she would get blown away in the next big storm, the cottage was very unsafe.

In October 2020 we received an My Aged Care (MAC) referral from Brimbank Council Regional Assessment Service (RAS) for Sue, a 72 year-old woman living in private rental in
the western suburbs of Melbourne.
