A man and his dog

David was camping with his dog Timmy on the Murray River near Cobram. He had been on the priority housing waiting list for 5 years. David said he had contacted a crisis housing access point several times but he was told there was no housing.
He’d heard about a Housing Information session organized by HAAG at the Cobram Community Centre in February, and decided to come along!
Following up in early March, HAAG case worker Anne met David at Cobram Library to undertake an assessment and assisted him to complete an application for priority housing. Anne was able to upgrade the application from Over 55s Special Housing Needs to the highest priority of the Victoria Housing Register. In addition, Anne also lodged an application with provider Uniting for Independent Living accommodation in Healesville.
David expressed that he would like to live closer to Ringwood area where his family live but still in Rural area.
Then on the 4th of April a meeting of service providers was organized by HAAG in Alexandra to encourage a collaborative approach to addressing the needs of those who are homeless or in unsustainable housing. One of the speakers was a worker from Seymour Housing (DFFH). The speaker mentioned there were some vacancies coming up the Over 55s public housing in Alexandra and Yea.
Immediately after the meeting Anne contacted David to see if he was interested in living in Yea or Alexandra and he said yes!
Anne emailed the worker from Seymour Housing and she updated David’s application, and the very next day April 5th David was offered a property in Alexandra!
David signed the lease and got the keys on April 28th and has moved in. Anne has organized bed and whitegoods for David. David thanked Anne saying “you’ve been a big part of a miracle.”
David’s great housing outcome is a great example of the collaboration between the HAAG workers in the Goulburn-Hume region, along with Seymour Housing staff.