Client's Stories

Bob is 89 years old and a world war two veteran. Bob’s family members are abusive towards him. They often scream and swear at him. Bob has put a padlock on his bedroom door as family members enter his bedroom and steal items including money. On pension day they pressure Bob to hand over his pension money. Bob’s grandson sometimes hits him and has attempted to strangle Bob.

Below are a selection of client testimonials about their experience working with Home At Last

HAAG found housing for me and it means the WORLD to me. Before this I was moving every two years, as the agents always said 'the landlord needs the house back'. Now I have security, stability and most importantly affordability.

Consumer Affairs Victoria referred Mary (77) to Home at Last as she was having trouble with her current tenancy and would also need to assistance to find more suitable housing.

Joan was born in the Moreland Hospital and grew up in Melbourne.  Due to abuse by her father, she left home as a young child and spent some time in a children’s home and in the foster care system.  As an adult she worked as an enrolled nurse for many years, and raised her two sons as a single mother after separating from her husband.

A film that touches on the sense of community created by older people housed in a complex of independent living units
