Coronavirus Response Updates

HAAG is taking steps to protect the safety of our clients, members and staff during this pandemic. We are advocating to stop all evictions and accomodate vulnerable older people as part of the public health response.

This information is provided for older renters in Victoria, covering some of the new programs that can help with your tenancy and important changes to renting laws during the covid-19 pandemic.

An open letter calling on the government to address the urgent situation concerning homeless people sleeping rough and COVID-19.

Our winter newsletter is packed with information on our response to the coronavirus, the lockdown, along with our many projects and services. And for the first time it incorporates the National Alliance of Seniors for Housing stories from around the country.

PDF icon Read the Newsletter here

HAAG was shocked at reports of a “hard lockdown” being enforced by police on public housing tenants in Flemington and North Melbourne on Saturday.  This response was inappropriate and stigmatized low income, mostly migrant Victorians, many of whom have English as a second language.

This policy note to bring to light the difficult choices facing older people during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to both service and survey data from HAAG in late April and May the lives of older people experiencing rental stress are becoming even more precarious.

PDF icon Read the report here


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