
10 Oct 2019

On Saturday 3rd of August Vijay Laxmi visited the  Mill Park Communtiy Centre in Mill Park to deliver information about aged care and housing options in Sri Lankan Tamil. 45 people attended the session. They coordinated an Aged Care presentation, spoke about the Navigator project and did a Housing presentation. 5 referrals received for housing, AMCS helped with linking group into access to Yoga class

3 Oct 2019

Are you aged 50 years or older?

Do you live in Victoria?

Do you currently live in a Retirement Village?

If so, you're invited to an afternoon tea to hear about some new independent research by the University of Melbourne to find out what information people use to help them decide to move into a retirement village.  You will be asked to complete an anonymous survey which asks questions about what information you used to help you make a decision, how easy it ways to understand and how accurate it turned out to be.  The information you provide will be used as input into the review of the Retirement Villages Act.

WHEN: Thursday 3 October 3.00pm-4.30pm

WHERE: Haydn Raysmith Room, Level 4 Ross House, 247-251 Flinders Lane Melbourne 3000

This project has been made possible by a research grant from Consumer Policy Research Centre and Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria. 

If you have any questions about the research or the survey please contact the project manager Dr Sue Malta on 0409 433 077 or

20 Sep 2019

Friday 20 September is the Global Climate Strike. Led by school students around the world, this time the strike is expanding to all sections of society. The impact of climate change on older people, especially people with low incomes and no assets, is going to be big.

Join the Retirement Accommodation Action Group at 11am to paint a banner for the march, or join with the contingent of HAAG members and staff at 1:45 pm on Level 1, Ross House.

18 Sep 2019

On Wednesday 18th of September Sonja Zigic-Rahuz visited the Slavic Seniors Group Preston in Preston to deliver information about housing and aged care options in Serbian in Slavic/multi-ethnic. 11 people attended the session.

18 Sep 2019

On Wednesday 18th of September Sonja Zigic-Rahuz visited the Slavic Senior Group Preston  in Preston to deliver information about aged care in Bosnian. 11 people attended the session.

9 Sep 2019

On Monday 9th of September Hoda  Nahal visited the Grand Boulevard child and community centre-  Assyrian/Chaldean senior group in Craigieburn to deliver information about aged care system and the role of the Aged Care Navigator in Arabic. 35 people attended the session.

6 Sep 2019

On Friday 6th of September Sonja Zigic-Rahuz visited the Serbian Pensioner Club in Fitzroy to deliver information about information about aged care and the navigator in Serbian. 38 people attended the session.

18 Aug 2019

On Sunday 18th of August Hoda Nahal visited the St Antonois senior club - Thomastown libarary in Thomastown  to deliver information about aged care  in Arabic. 20 people attended the session. The focus of the information session was on how to access the aged care, the types of services that are available to them and the role of the navigators

They also encouraged the participants to check the agencies well before they choose which one they will use in the future  

15 Aug 2019

On Thursday 15 August 2019 the national Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project is releasing its summary report on the housing crisis facing a growing number of older people in Western Australia.

Produced in collaboration with Council on the Ageing WA and a Reference Group of key WA agencies and individuals, the report highlights the rapidly growing problems facing many older people in WA. The report also identifies solutions to address the vital housing and service responses needed to help older people in WA who are struggling in poverty, hardship and at constant risk of homelessness.

7 Aug 2019

HAAG Meeting - Winter Warmer

HAAG members and supporters are invited to our August general meeting, for soup and a chat!

11 am Thursday 22 August 2019

Hayden Raysmith Room

Level 4, Ross House

247 Flinders Lane

CALL 96547389 to RSVP or email
