Do you think government needs to take more action to provide safe, secure and affordable housing? Do you want to take action on housing issues affecting older people? Do you have ideas about how housing services could better assist older people? Are you worried about the housing situation of the future? Join HAAG and get involved

Latest Campaign updates

Older women's safety with Seniors Rights Victoria

11 Dec 2024
Gary Ferguson is the Education Coordinator at Seniors Rights Victoria. He discusses older women's safety and how elder abuse intersects with housing and women's safety, as well as the importance of early intervention and prevention.Seniors Rights Victoria Elder Abuse Survey 
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The Heat is on high rises!

27 Nov 2024
Shane and Fiona talk to Bill McKenzie, public housing resident and HAAG member, talking about his citizen science work at Layfield Court, one of the older persons high rises in Melbourne, and about the issues of heatwaves in high rises, Homes Victoria's communications about the demolitions, and the roll out of the air conditioning program.Corrections: The undercounting of heatwave deaths was between 2006-2017, not 2006-2009. More information can be found via the ANU Climate Energy and Disaster Solutions. The airconditioners supplied by Vic Govt were 2.9KvA not 3.9KVA 
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Housing for the Aged Action Group calls the government’s Retirement Villages Act Amendments Bill, released today after a five-year consultation period, a “mixed bag” that includes important improvements for residents but leaves some major areas of concern inadequately addressed.

HAAG’s Pre-Budget Submission provides proposals to address the impacts of the housing crisis on older Victorians. We call on the Victorian government to: respond to the specific housing needs older people by increasing investment in the Home at Last service so it can provide support across the state; fund housing options for older renters who aren’t eligible for social housing; and fund a service to assist older women to access a broader range of housing options including co-operative housing.

We also call for increasing public and community housing to 10% of all housing stock by 2040, investment in revitalising the Independent Living Units (ILU) Sector, and legislating a definition of ‘affordable housing’.

Read our pre-budget submission

Summarising research first published in Not poor enough, not rich enough: older people falling through the housing assistance eligibility gapthis fact sheet illustrates the scale of the housing affordability crisis affecting older people in Australia, the current lack of housing options that they can afford, as well as proposed solutions.

Read the fact sheet


State by State Breakdown

Our Submissions

We often make submissions to Government inquiries and reviews, for example, Parliamentary Inquiries and reviews of legislation. Our submissions are always based on members stories, client data and case studies, and are often developed with our working groups, so by sharing your story or becoming a working group member you can really help! Read our latest submissions

Public housing campaigning

All of HAAG's submissions to government include increasing public housing. Read more about some of our campaign work to increase, protect and improve public housing. 

Retirement Housing Campaigning

Read about our work in trying to improve legislation, regulation and enforcement to improve the lives of older people living in retirement housing - this includes residential parks, caravan parks and retirement villages.

Working Groups

HAAG facilitate various meetings where groups of like-minded members work together to form policy submissions, recommendations and inform services working with older people. The lobbying of HAAG working groups has successfully created changes in government policy. Join a working group!

Become a Member

Members are the backbone of all the work HAAG does. By becoming a member you'll receive regular updates on how to get involved, and be invited to be part of decision making, working groups, and campaigns. Membership is FREE, and its the best way to support and get involved with HAAG. Join HAAG here


HAAG is involved in many projects that seek to improve older peoples housing outcomes through better access, increased options and improved services. See all our projects and get involved


HAAG values any media opportunity that raises awareness of housing issues. We have featured on national TV, have positions on local radio and have featured in various newspapers. We have also produced our own films. HAAG Clients and members are supported to tell their stories when media opportunities arise.

More About  HAAG

Housing for the Aged Action Group is a not for profit community group dedicated to improving housing outcomes for older people. As the only organisation of its kind in Australia and with over 40 years experience taking action, HAAG is the voice on housing for older people.

For more information on Campaigning, Policy and Research
Phone: 03 9654 7389 - Interpreters available