National Alliance of Seniors for Housing

The National Alliance for Senior’s Housing (NASH) brings together older people who have experienced homelessness or housing stress from across Australia.

The purpose of NASH is to:

  • Represent the needs and voice of older people, by older people who have lived experience of homelessness or being at risk of homelessness.
  • Advocate for the housing and service-use needs of financially disadvantaged older people.
  • Raise community awareness about people’s experiences of homelessness and housing stress to challenge myths and assumptions;
  • Share information about housing options, services and assistance available.
  • Contribute to Housing for the Aged Action Group’s policies and practices

Action Updates

A spotlight on housing distress in Queensland and the Northern Rivers, stories from members, and the latest actions from NASH.

PDF icon Read the Newsletter here

An update on the National Older Persons Housing Network and Ageing on the Edge National Action Project

PDF icon NOPHN E-News First Edition.pdf




We meet monthly, if you'd like to get involved read our invitation to participate, join HAAG here, join our Facebook Group, or contact us.