Ageing on the Edge New South Wales Forum Terms of Reference
The Ageing on the Edge NSW Forum aims to improve housing security for older people at risk of homelessness through research and advocacy.
The Ageing on the Edge NSW Forum has developed from the Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project Reference Group. The Forum was convened in May 2018 to seek implementation of the key recommendations in the report, determine other key housing issues that need to be addressed for older people in NSW and work collaboratively towards achieving the Forum’s aims.
Main factors affecting older people in NSW that guide the Forum
- Ageing population, reducing rates of home ownership, reductions in public and community housing and significant increases in older people relying on the private rental market
- A private rental market that is insecure, difficult to afford and unadaptable for aged care needs
- A majority of older private renters are women who are particularly vulnerable due to lower incomes, interrupted careers and inadequate savings such as superannuation
- Most people affected have lived largely conventional lives but have, for a range of reasons, not attained secure and affordable housing in older age
- In a very restricted affordable housing environment vulnerable older people find it difficult to find housing information and navigate their way to a secure and affordable housing solution
- A significant under-supply of age-appropriate social housing
Key Aims
- To improve housing security for older people at risk of homelessness
- Monitor and share data sets and research that related to key housing outcomes for older persons
- Prioritise and work towards implementing the Ageing on the Edge report’s key recommendations
- Fill the data and information gaps that were identified in the development of the report (e.g. information on Aboriginal older persons housing and support needs, CALD older people)
- Act as a reference group to a potential project under the Community Housing Industry Development Strategy to improve community housing and aged care service co-ordination (subject to project funding approval)
- Collate and promote research into outcomes for older tenants living in social housing who have been relocated due to the redevelopment of their housing
- Collate and promote research into the wellbeing and health impacts of older renters displaced by private sector redevelopments
- Facilitate access to the latest resources and information on older people and housing for the Forum and other interested parties
Roles and functions of the Ageing on the Edge Forum
- Attend meetings on a regular basis
- Share knowledge, expertise, and interest in housing and related research and practice, as it relates to older people
- Determine scope of works to be undertaken and develop timelines within a work plan
- Advise on the best avenues and policy levers for the effective implementation of planned strategies
- Ensure a sharp focus by identifying policy priorities
- Work collaboratively on issues with broad support from Forum members
- Working group members to declare their responsibilities as representatives of their organisations and establish decision making processes required
- Government representatives (associate members) have an information, research and advisory role and are not part of the active lobbying role of the Forum
Support for members of the reference group
- The CHIA NSW and Homelessness NSW jointly auspice the Forum
- The Ageing on the Edge project will continue to support and participate in the Forum
- Additional members may be invited to join the Forum to enhance the aims and influence key stakeholders
- Members will receive timely notification of meetings including agenda, minutes, reports and any other relevant documentation
- All members will be encouraged to participate fully in meetings in recognition of their knowledge, skills and expertise
- Where possible unpaid members will be supported with out-of-pocket expenses such as travel assistance
- Appropriate administrative meeting support provided to ensure members are able to focus on meeting participation.
Ageing on the Edge New South Wales Forum Membership as at January 2019
Organisational members:
- Aged and Community Services Australia
- Bungree Aboriginal Association
- Carers NSW
- Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association NSW
- Community Housing Tenant Network NSW
- Elder Abuse Helpline & Resource Unit
- Homelessness NSW
- Housing for the Aged Action Group
- Mercy Foundation
- Mission Australia
- North Coast Community Housing
- Older Women's Network NSW
- Seniors Rights Service
- Tenants' Union NSW
- The Australian Centre for Social Innovation
- The Benevolent Society
- Uniting
- Women's Housing Company
Associate members:
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- FACS Ageing
- FACS Housing
Individual members;
- Barbara Squires - Barbara Squires Consulting
- Dr Debbie Faulkner - The University of Adelaide
- Dr Emma Power - Western Sydney University
- Dr Jane Mears - Western Sydney University
- Mark Nutting - M J Nutting Consulting
- Sue Cripps - SC Consulting