Queensland State Election 2024
Queenslanders are going to the polls in October 2024. HAAG’s recent research has found that over the last ten years, the housing circumstances for older Queenslanders is getting worse. Now is a great time to be talking about the need for more action on housing for older Queenslanders!
We are asking decision-makers to:
- Increase public and community housing stock across the state with 20% ringfenced for older people over 55 years.
- Increase ‘affordable housing’ that’s capped at 30% of the household income for older people on low incomes who are not eligible for public and community housing.
- Fund other below market rate housing options for older people including co-operative housing, low-cost retirement housing and other co-housing models.
- Embed voices of older people with lived experience and expertise into all government policy making processes.
- Increase funding and geographic spread of Housing Older Women Support Service (HOWSS).
Read our policy recommendations, download a guide to meeting with candidates and MP's and use our template letter to request a meeting!
Published :
17 Jun 2024