Reference Group comes together for co-ordinated action in NSW
Ageing on the Edge – National Action Project is underway in New South Wales, with key groups coming together to plan for action. A Reference Group Meeting was held on the 18th of May the NSW Federation of Housing Associations and was attended by representatives of Homelessness NSW, The Mercy Foundation, Aged Care Services Australia, The Tenants Union, The Benevolent Society as well as Family and Community Services.
The meeting discussed the framework and development of the project including the following:
- Analysis of the conditions of older people living in the private rental market in the Greater Sydney region and also regional NSW
- Study of the housing options for older people in NSW including public/community housing, independent living units, residential parks and villages and rental villages.
- Analysis of how older people apply for housing including seeking older people in the private rental market who may be interested in applying and providing feedback on the process
- A study in partnership with the Tenants Union to survey Tenants Advice and Assistance Services (TAAS) to determine how well the services are addressing the needs of older people
- A specific sub-project in partnership with the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW focusing on improving access to public and community housing for vulnerable older people from a CALD background
- Development of a Facebook or other social media site to seek interest and input from older people in sharing their experiences of the private rental market in NSW. This aspect may also be used to develop interest from older people to be part of a campaign to improve access to public and social housing for older people.
Homeless camp in Martin Place, Sydney CBD, May 2017
Meanwhile Jeff Fiedler has begun interviews for the research and will be continuing these in the near future with the aim of determining the current state of housing for older people from housing advocates perspective, the processes required to house older people and the methods used and levels of success in helping older people to access public and social housing. HAAG is looking for more interviewees, if you are an older person in the private rental market please get in touch with Jeff here