
Many older women struggling to stay housed in New South Wales will miss out on a key measure in the budget intended to support them, because they don’t have the savings to access it

The voices of older people without homes and those struggling to afford rent must be prioritised as the new Albanese Government seeks to address Australia’s housing crisis. We need to build at least 25,000 new public, community and affordable homes each year so older people, and others on low incomes, aren't left struggling to compete in Australia's brutal private rental market

As a new Labor government begins, and it gets to work on a new sizeable investment in social housing, it must ensure its housing policy is inclusive of older people, especially older women

The overwhelming majority of Australians will have social and affordable housing top of mind when they cast their vote at the upcoming federal election, new polling from HAAG shows.

Older renters will be best served by policies brought to the election by the Labor Party and the Greens, according to an analysis of housing policy by HAAG.

Following on from the success of the At Risk forum in 2021 which mobilised hundreds of older people across the country to take action and demand change from their federal politicians, Housing for the Aged Action Group and the National Alliance of Seniors for Housing are taking the next steps to bring the campaigns demands to the federal election. We can’t afford another three years of inaction while older people are the fastest growing group experiencing homelessness in this country.

HAAG welcomes yesterday’s announcement by the Queensland Government of measures to address older women’s homelessness, as part of their overall Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021-2025. A new housing and support hub model will be developed to assist older women, providing a “single entry point”, and taking an early intervention and prevention approach.

