Buddy and Sue

In October 2020 we received an My Aged Care (MAC) referral from Brimbank Council Regional Assessment Service (RAS) for Sue, a 72 year-old woman living in private rental in
the western suburbs of Melbourne.
Sue’s husband had recently passed away and she was finding it difficult to manage to pay the rent of $1130 per month on the single Age Pension. The main reason she sought our assistance were financial difficulties, inadequate housing, mental health and medical reasons.
Due to COVID-19 the outreach worker posted Victorian Housing Register housing application documents and the Special Accommodation Requirements document to Sue. The application was lodged by the Outreach worker and approved for priority – homeless with support.
Sue reported that half of her Age Pension was going on the rent and she was receiving food parcels from St Vinnies just to survive from week to week. Also, Sue couldn’t afford
to get her dog Buddy vaccinated and couldn’t afford dog food or dog treats. Buddy liked raw mince but Sue couldn’t afford to buy it.
The Outreach worker made a referral to Lort Smith Animal Hospital for Buddy and Sue and Buddy attended an appointment at Lort Smith and Buddy was vaccinated and food
was provided for Buddy.
Meanwhile, the Outreach was contacting social housing providers and checking for potential vacancies for Sue. In October 2021Sue received an offer of public housing in
western suburbs and the location was close to her friends and family.
Sue had given notice to the landlord and she was receiving aggressive phone calls from the property manager and about breaking her lease. A referral was made to Tenants Victoria – Outreach lawyer Georgia and she contacted Sue and gave her legal advice and this resulted in a good outcome with Sue getting her full bond refunded.
The property viewing and signup was completed in November 2021 and the signing of the lease and other paperwork was completed outdoors at the property due to COVID-19 and another resident who HAAG had rehoused kindly provided a table and chairs and even made Sue and her friend a cup of coffee. The Outreach worker booked the removalist and Sue finally moved in on November 11 2021.
Sue contacted the Outreach worker in early February and requested she assist her to apply for an air conditioner through Footscray Housing Office. Sue has multiple serious medical conditions and she was really suffering in the heat. Sue’s GP completed a support letter and the Outreach worker and application was lodged and Sue was approved for air conditioner and the good news is it was been installed in February 2022!