Glen from the Goulburn Valley

In January this year we received a referral from Beyond Housing in Seymour. Glen had moved back to Victoria to live with family after been a victim of a home invasion and serious assault in public housing in NSW. Glen was living in a caravan on a family member’s property at Seymour but he had been asked him to leave, and he was going to start camping by the river.
In late January case worker Anne met Glen at a Café in Seymour to undertake an assessment and to assist him to complete an application for priority housing.
Anne was in constant contact with Beyond Housing and she arranged for Glen to move into a caravan at the Honeysuckle Caravan Park in Violet Town as a short term option whilst he waited for long term housing.
Glen felt unsafe at the Caravan Park and he had little money left over for food for the fortnight after he received his Jobseeker payment. Glen really missed his cat Fudgie as he wasn’t allowed to have pets at the Caravan Park. Glen told Anne that his cat Fudgie was his best friend; Glen said he lived with anxiety and depression and Fudgie was of great comfort to him.
Anne lodged the priority application in June and Anne also completed an application for Wintringham housing in Shepparton.
Glen expressed he would like to live in Seymour where is son and family were located; however; he said he would also consider Shepparton where his Wellways worker was located.
Anne advocated on Glen’s behalf with Wintringham and in early July, Glen’s application was approved. He viewed the accommodation and accepted the property offer, with Glen’s Wellways worker assisting with the signup meeting.
Glen was over the moon that his new home was next to the Wellways Office, and only a couple of blocks from Shepparton Station, from where he catches the Vline train down to Seymour where he loves to catch up with his grandkids.
Glen moved in on July 25th with his cat. There were strict conditions for the cat as the accommodation was located above an Aged Care Facility.
Glen’s great housing outcome is a great example of the collaboration between HAAG workers in the Goulburn-Hume region, along with Beyond Housing in Seymour and Wintringham and Wellways in Shepparton.