Federal Election 2025

HAAG’s recent research has found that over the last ten years, the housing circumstances for older people are getting worse. The population in Australia is ageing, with nearly 30% of the population aged over 55 years.Home ownership rates among this age group is declining and more older people are renting privately or reaching retirement age with a mortgage. There was a 73% increase  private renters between 2011 and 2021, increasing their risk of homelessness due to high rents.

What can you do?

There is real momentum for change to address older person's homelessness across the country. Our voices are powerful and the housing crisis gripping Australia will be a key election issue.

We encourage you to contact your local federal representative and other local  candidates to request meetings to talk about the issue of older person's homelessness and what needs to change. Local members are often available to meet their constituents, especially when there is an upcoming election. They are interested in local concerns and with the right information, encouragement and clear recommendations, you can be a champion for older people and their housing issues.

Download our advocacy toolkit here


Download a template letter here 


Our Demands

Read our policy asks here


For more detail, see our policy paper here 




See our Older Person's Round Table in Canberra here 

Federal Election 2021

Read our advocacy tool kit 

Read about our campaign 

Read our demands