Independent Living Units Working Group
The Independent Living Unit (ILU) Working Group operated between 2011 and 2017.
The ILU working group is now operating under the new title- 'Retirement Accommodation Action Group'.
Between 2011 and 2017 the ILU working group worked to:
-Represent the rights of residents, and to examine the issues experienced by residents, of Not-For-Profit (NFP) retirement villages and rental ILUs
-Encourage membership to the working group
-Campaign for improvements to housing conditions for residents living in Not For Profit retirement villages and rental ILUs.
The ILU working group, in conjunction with HAAG, achieved these aims by:
-Providing a forum for discussion of issues raised by residents of NFP retirement villages and rental ILU’s.
-Examined the ways in which the not-for-profit sector manages the day to day operations of the units.
-Develops small projects that will explore matters raised and form recommendations for improvement.
-Identified potential legislative reform that will better meet the needs of residents.
Some notable achievements of the group were:
- Independent Voices- Research conducted into the experiences of ILU residents
- The parliamentary inquiry into the Retirement Housing Sector
- Residential Tenancies Act review
- Retirement Housing forum in 2017