Behind the glossy brochures and satisfaction surveys, unscrupulous retirement housing operators hide a dirty secret: they are making a fortune from retirement residents' nest eggs.
We are campaigning to:
- Establish a Retirement Housing Ombudsman - to provide free, fair and binding dispute resolution
- Put a stop to excessive fees - that are frequently opaque and have no relationship to the services provided
- Address complex and ambigous contracts - by making them standardised
- Introduce mandatory minimum training and accreditation standards - bringing them into line with what's expected from other property managers
- Protect residents right to sell
- Involve residents in any reform process
Read more about these key demands
Read HAAG's response to the Victorian Retirement Villages Act amendment Feb 2025
Read our media statement on Retirement Villages
Read our statement on Residential Parks
What can we do?
- Join the Retirement Accommodation Working Group
Are you passionate about retirement housing reform? Our Retirement Accomodation Working Group meet regularly to work together for change.
Find out more and join the group!
- Write to the Premier
Send your message to Premier Jacinta Allen and ask her to commit to improving the lives of residents of Retirement Villages and Residential parks (land lease communities). and to make housing for older Victorians affordable and fair.
- Write to your MP
Let your elected representative know that Retirement Housing Matters to you!
- Meet with your MP
Meeting with your MP can be daunting but they need to hear from us! Here are some resouces to help
Retirement Housing Matters is a campaign partnership Consumer Action Law Centre (link is external), Council on the Ageing (link is external), Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria and Housing for the Aged Action Group.