Submission to NSW Homelessness Strategy 2025 - 2035

HAAG welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the NSW Draft Homelessness Strategy 2025 – 2035. We especially acknowledge the contributions to this submission made by members of HAAG’s advisory groups including NSW Lived Experience Acton Group (LEAG), National Alliance of Seniors for Housing (NASH), Retirement Accommodation Action Group (RAAG), LGBTQIA+ reference group and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) reference group.

In consultation with our NSW Lived Experience Acton Group (LEAG), we make the following recommendations:
1. Fund a specialist older persons’ housing information and support service that comprises both an early intervention and crisis response, similar to the HAAG Home at Last model in Victoria.
2. Lower the priority age for social housing eligibility from 80 years as a matter of urgency.
3. Build 5,000 social homes per year for 10 years, 20% of which should be dedicated to older people.

Read the submission here