
May 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the ‘Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants’ issues paper forming a part of the review of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).

HAAG would like to acknowledge that the submission was compiled with contribution from our members and that this forms the foundation of our response.


June 2016

The Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action), Council on the Ageing Victoria (COTA), Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG), Justice Connect (Seniors Law) (Justice Connect) and Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria (RRVV), welcome the opportunity tocontribute to the parliamentary inquiry into the retirement housing sector. 


June 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the inquiry into the retirement housing sector. 

Download             Appendices

Newsletter June Winter 2016 Older Tenants' Voice


A HAAG fact sheet on the inapropriateness of Private Rental for older pensioners...


Are you interested in getting actively involved in the only specialist older persons housing organsiaton in Australia? There are various ways you can do this...


April 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the ‘Rents, bonds and other charges’ issues paper forming a part of the review of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).


March 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the Access to Justice review, which includes six background papers and related terms of reference.


January 2016

This submission is a response by Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) to the ‘Security Of Tenure’ consultation paper discussing the review of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).


ABC News story by Social Affairs Correspondent Norman Hermant - Features HAAG members Joan, Tung and Neville.

Aired March 15th 2015 on ABC TV

A film by Bentwheel productions showcases why the Home at Last service is essential to the older people of Victoria. Feels like Home tells the story of five clients who experienced the threat of homelessness prior to contacting Home at Last. All five clients were assisted into their lasting last!

By Anne Maher and Shane McGrath - July 2015


By Jeff Feidler - July 2015


Newsletter March Autumn 2016 Older Tenants' Voice


Annual Report for 2014 - 2015 financial year

Download Report

Newsletter December Summer 2015 Older Tenants' Voice

View here

A ground-breaking report aimed at helping older people from culturally diverse communities avoid homelessness


Newsletter September Spring 2015 Older Tenants' Voice

View Here   (1.26 MB)

Tune in to Radio 3CR (855 AM) every 3rd Wednesday morning between 9.00 am and 10.00 am to hear HAAG workers speak with presenters on urban environment, federal and state government services and local campaigns.

City Limits
