Gavin Wood

Assets, debt and the drawdown of housing equity by an ageing population

This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to uncover the uses, financial costs and risks of housing equity withdrawal (HEW) via alternative mechanisms by older Australians.

Asset poverty and older Australians’ transitions onto housing assistance programs

This project aims to explore how the asset-poor status of older Australians helps to determine their demand for housing assistance, the coping strategies used by the asset-poor as they strive to secure satisfactory housing outcomes and the importance of these outcomes to ontological security.

Asset poverty and older Australians’ transitions onto housing assistance programs

This project aims to explore how the asset-poor status of older Australians helps to determine their demand for housing assistance, the coping strategies used by the asset-poor as they strive to secure satisfactory housing outcomes and the importance of these outcomes to ontological security.

Housing needs of asset-poor older Australians: other countries’ policy initiatives and their implications for Australia

This project aims to explore how the asset-poor status of older Australians helps to determine their demand for housing assistance, the coping strategies used by the asset-poor as they strive to secure satisfactory housing outcomes and the importance of these outcomes to ontological security.

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

The project aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing & related financial circumstances of people aged 50+ in different housing tenures, in particular, those on income support programmes.

The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters

This report aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing and related financial circumstances of people aged 50 or over in different housing tenures, and in particular those on income support payments.
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