Out of the Closet, Out of Options: Older LGBTI people at risk of homelessness
This report presents the findings of a study of the housing experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) older people in Victoria, undertaken by Housing for the Aged Action Group.
It aims to begin to bridge the critical gap in research by identifying the current housing circumstances and concerns of LGBTI older Victorians.
Public and Community Housing: Comparing the rights and experiences of older tenants in Victoria
This report compares tenants rights and legislative and policy frameworks for public housing and community housing, with a focus on how these are experienced by older tenants. By foregrounding the perspectives of older tenants, this report hopes to provide insight into the personal impact of the systems that shape tenant’s housing experiences.
Women's Housing Needs in Regional Australia
This report outlines key housing needs and challenges for women through national research undertaken across regional Australia. It offers new knowledge and insights that are relevant for policy and key decision makers across all levels of government, community housing providers, researchers and the private sector.
Rental Affordability Snapshot 2020
The Rental Affordability Snapshot is designed to highlight the lived experience of looking for housing while on a low income. It focuses on the Australian population who earn the least income – Commonwealth benefit recipients and minimum wage earners. Every year, Anglicare Australia tests if it is possible for people on low incomes to rent a home in the private market.
Older Women in the Private Rental Sector: Unaffordable, Substandard and Insecure Housing
Single older women aged 55 and over are overrepresented amongst the asset poor in Australia. They are also one of the fastest growing groups of homeless people nationally. This status is a product of a number of risks that accrue to women across the life course including gendered differences in pay and superannuation. It is also a product of an unaffordable and insecure private rental system.
At Risk: 405,000 older women risk homelessness without urgent policy reform
Older women have a right to appropriate and affordable housing as a foundation for their wellbeing, however they are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia.
The Seniors Housing Gateway - A safety net for older people at risk of homelessness
Australia needs to urgently address the rapidly increasing problem facing large numbers of older people, the majority women, at risk of homelessness.
The Renters Journey
Report following the rental experiences of four key groups of renters: women aged 55 and over, low income families, newly arrived migrants and young renters. Journey mapping with four key groups of renters, exploring common and unique experiences and pain points.
An effective homelessness services system for older Australians
This research is part of a wider AHURI Inquiry into an effective homelessness service system and this project is focussed on the following questions:
• What is the appropriate balance between early intervention, prevention and crisis services for older homeless people, and between specialist and mainstream services, in order to provide the most efficient and effective response to this group’s need
Vital Conversations - Giving Older Women in Greater Melbourne a Voice
The findings of the Greater Melbourne Vital Signs 2017 indicated that older women were facing challenges and, in some cases, extreme disadvantage across diverse aspects of their lives.
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