An effective homelessness services system for older Australians
This research is part of a wider AHURI Inquiry into an effective homelessness service system and this project is focussed on the following questions:
• What is the appropriate balance between early intervention, prevention and crisis services for older homeless people, and between specialist and mainstream services, in order to provide the most efficient and effective response to this group’s needs?
• What is the relationship between the contemporary nature of homelessness and specialist and mainstream services, how do these arrangements relate to the wider health and human services systems, and what could be done to maximise outcomes for older Australians at
risk of homelessness?
• What lessons can be learned from how homelessness systems overseas deliver homelessness services to older people?
• What are the impacts of system design characteristics such as funding and commissioning arrangements and cross-governmental integration on system adaptability and effectiveness when dealing with older Australians at risk of homelessness?
• What are the best ways to understand and measure changes in effectiveness of the homelessness system for older Australians? What would appropriate outcome measures look like?