Research Paper

Public and Community Housing: Comparing the rights and experiences of older tenants in Victoria

This report compares tenants rights and legislative and policy frameworks for public housing and community housing, with a focus on how these are experienced by older tenants. By foregrounding the perspectives of older tenants, this report hopes to provide insight into the personal impact of the systems that shape tenant’s housing experiences.

Heading South - Older People at Risk of Homelessness in Tasmania

This report provides a brief snapshot of homelessness and the risk of homelessness for people aged 55 years and over in Tasmania.

At Risk: Understanding the population size and demographics of older women at risk of homelessness in Australia

The housing circumstances of low income older households, in particular female headed households, has become a matter of significant concern over the last few years with increasing numbers of women at risk of homelessness and experiencing homelessness, often for the first time in older age. Unfortunately, there is no one data set that can capture all of the factors that appear to influence low in

Going for GOLD! Growing Older with Learning Disabilities: An inclusive research project to reduce social isolation amongst older adults with learning disabilities

This research was part of the Greater Manchester Growing Older with Learning Disabilities (GM GOLD) project, which was carried out by a team of 16 older people with learning disabilities.

Older Women in the Private Rental Sector: Unaffordable, Substandard and Insecure Housing

Single older women aged 55 and over are overrepresented amongst the asset poor in Australia. They are also one of the fastest growing groups of homeless people nationally. This status is a product of a number of risks that accrue to women across the life course including gendered differences in pay and superannuation. It is also a product of an unaffordable and insecure private rental system.

Effective downsizing options for older Australians

Downsizing—commonly defined as the act of older people moving to a dwelling with fewer bedrooms, a smaller land area and a lower value is viewed by Government as a way to address affordability and use the housing stock more efficiently.

Ageing in the Right Place

This Ageing in the Right Place research was undertaken to better understand what the ‘right place’ means for people as they age. As this report discusses, older Australians are not one homogeneous group and they have varying needs. There are, however, some common threads. Three in four Australians aged 85 or older live independently at home, and not in care accommodation.

Understanding and reimagining social housing pathways

This study explores the ways households experience pathways into, within and out of the Australian social housing system.

No Place to Call Home: Older People at Risk of Homelessness in Victoria

Homelessness is a rapidly growing problem in Victoria. Between the 2006 and 2016 Census the number of people experiencing homelessness in Victoria increased from a rate of 35.3 per 10,000 population to 41.9 per 10,000 population.

Out of the Closet, Out of Options: Older LGBTI people at risk of homelessness

This report presents the findings of a study of the housing experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) older people in Victoria, undertaken by Housing for the Aged Action Group. It aims to begin to bridge the critical gap in research by identifying the current housing circumstances and concerns of LGBTI older Victorians.
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