Public Housing

Public and Community Housing: Comparing the rights and experiences of older tenants in Victoria

This report compares tenants rights and legislative and policy frameworks for public housing and community housing, with a focus on how these are experienced by older tenants. By foregrounding the perspectives of older tenants, this report hopes to provide insight into the personal impact of the systems that shape tenant’s housing experiences.

Home for Good: Social Housing for an Ageing Population

In this policy brief, we turn our attention to Australia’s social housing sector.

Public housing apartments for older South Australians

New apartments that will allow older residents to age in place in their own home are under construction in a $19 million project that is the first of its kind for public housing in South Australia. Under the project, 59 apartments will be constructed in three apartment buildings located in South Plympton, Prospect and Blair Athol.

What is the Future of Retirement Living and Aged Care?

While our retirement and aged care sectors are complex and tightly regulated, Australia needs more rental accommodation for retirees. The latest research shows demand for public housing from private renters aged 55-plus, is expected to climb 78 per cent, from roughly 200,000 households in 2016 to 440,000 households in 2031.

Mortgage stress and precarious home ownership: implications for older Australians

This research investigated the growing numbers of middle aged and older Australians who are carrying mortgage debt into retirement and paying off higher levels of debt relative to house values and income. Between 1987 and 2015, mortgage debt among older mortgagors increased by 600 per cent (from $27,000 to over $185,000).

Housing Crisis: Young People Pushing Older Women Into Homelessness

Older women are Australia's fastest growing group of homeless people and the lack of affordable housing is a major factor in the rapid increase. The number of homeless women over 55 has increased by a whopping 31 percent since 2011. Other demographics of homeless people have increased by just 14 percent since then.

Is the Victorian Housing Register providing transparency in the process for community housing offers that its introduction intended?

The purpose of this report is to ascertain whether or not the Victorian Housing Register is working as it intended in regards to the process of receiving community housing offers in the case of HAAG’s cohort of older people whoare homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Demoralising and humiliating: More older Australians falling into homelessness

The number of Australia's private renters aged 65+ who are in housing stress, defined as paying more than 30% on rent, has jumped by 42% in the last five years.

Public Housing Redevelopments Impact Older Persons’ Health and Wellbeing

The Victorian State Government’s public housing renewal program is a plan to sell land on existing public housing estates to private developers with a return of a ten per cent increase in public housing. This plan includes the relocation of current tenants to other public housing properties.

Moving Toward Age-Friendly Housing in King County

This assessment is instrumental for understanding how to meet the current – and future – housing needs of older adults in King County, US. This assessment utilized various strategies: 1) secondary data analysis of federal, state, and local data sources to assess several factors, including current housing stock, diversity of the older adult population within King County, and housing cost burden fo
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