Housing for the Aged Action Group
At Risk: 405,000 older women risk homelessness without urgent policy reform
Older women have a right to appropriate and affordable housing as a foundation for their wellbeing, however they are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia. Older women’s pathway to homelessness is a gendered issue and a consequence of long-term systemic issues.
Is the Victorian Housing Register providing transparency in the process for community housing offers that its introduction intended?
The purpose of this report is to ascertain whether or not the Victorian Housing Register is working as it intended in regards to the process of receiving community housing offers in the case of HAAG’s cohort of older people whoare homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Out of the frying pan into the fire: The experiences of Housing for the Aged Action Group clients referred to Independent Living Units
Outlines the experiences of clients seeking an Independent Living Unit (ILU), the experiences of clients with their housing since seeking retirement advice, and their perceptions of HAAG’s services.
Australian First Nation Older Women High Risk of Homelessness
There is a limited access to physically, culturally and spiritually sensitive support services and housing options for First Nations Australians. The ongoing social and economic exclusion of female Elders and future female Elders will contribute to compounded historical and personal traumas, and do nothing to decolonise Australia and Australian support services.
Homes for Life: Towards an older persons housing strategy
Homes for Life: Towards an older persons housing strategy has been developed by a coalition of non-government organisations concerned about the increasing housing affordability crisis facing our ageing population.
As our population ages there is massive housing change underway. Home ownership, formerly the foundation of our housing, pension and aged care system, is rapidly in decline.
At the crossroads in retirement: Older people at risk of homelessness
Australia is facing a large increase of older people who do not have housing security. A new report from Housing for the Aged Action Group’s Home at Last service, describes the housing crisis older people are facing every day.
At Risk of Homelessness: Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
The Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities project has been a ground-breaking initiative that has aimed to, and succeeded in, significantly improving access to affordable housing options for older people from high need CALD communities in Victoria.When Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV)
Working towards an older persons homelessness prevention strategy for the Victorian Homelessness Action Plan Reform
Successfully evaluated after Stage 1 of the Victorian Government's Innovations Action Project, 'Home at Last' has continued to expand its
service into Stage 2.