Is the Victorian Housing Register providing transparency in the process for community housing offers that its introduction intended?
The purpose of this report is to ascertain whether or not the Victorian Housing Register is working as it intended in regards to the process of receiving community housing offers in the case of HAAG’s cohort of older people whoare homeless or at risk of homelessness. HAAG’s housing workers house approximately7 people per month in social housing - an umbrella term to mean public housing which is owned by government, and community housing which is owned or managed by not for profit community housing providers. Our workers mainly utilise the VHR and use our contacts and networks within community housing providers to house our clients. In practice though how many of our clients are being housed in community housing through each process? Has the VHR simplified it and made the process more transparent in relation to community housing providers and how they offer vacancies? This is something the introduction of the VHR aimed to address and this report will focus on.