Aged Care

Ageing in the Right Place

This Ageing in the Right Place research was undertaken to better understand what the ‘right place’ means for people as they age. As this report discusses, older Australians are not one homogeneous group and they have varying needs. There are, however, some common threads. Three in four Australians aged 85 or older live independently at home, and not in care accommodation.

Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety: Aged care program redesign

In this submission, CPSA responds to some of the questions posed in the Royal Commission’s Consultation Paper 1.

Residents in Skilled Nursing Facilities Face Growing Concerns Over Evictions

A disturbing trend is becoming increasingly evident across the US: The eviction of vulnerable nursing home residents from their facilities, often without notice, preparation, or a safe and appropriate place to go.

Report calls for ‘innovative thinking’ to match housing to older people’s needs

Ireland's Minister of State has warned that within five years, half of all new apartments and one third of new housing would have to be suitable for older people.

Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population

The ageing of our population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. This report provides a series of policy proposals to achieve a more inclusive and liveable city.

Elderly care and housing demand in the EU: Golden opportunities, but mind the cultural gap

Ageing often has a negative connotation, especially in an economic sense. On average, retired people produce and consume less than young people do. However, ageing is not just a story of declining economic potential. The other side of the coin shows rising demand for products and services that are tailored to the needs of the elderly.

Housing and Ageing – in the Scottish Parliament on 29th January 2019.

The final item of business today is a members’ business debate on motion S5M-15454, in the name of Graham Simpson, on “Housing through the lens of ageing", which builds on previous research and has the aim of constructively progressing the thinking, debate and practice of the role of housing in the quality of life of older people by analysing housing research data gathered via a national hous

Lessons from overseas: the future impact of retiree renters

Aged care providers and governments need to plan now for the impact of lifelong renters on the financial models driving the industry. Downsizing from a family home to a smaller dwelling then into a retirement village and later to aged care if required, is a familiar path. However, baby boomers’ high expectations for life after retirement are shaping fresh approaches within the sector.

Housing and Care for Older Women Policy Brief

This brief looks at older women’s housing, their changing needs, and the intersections between housing and aged care in Australia.

11 types of senior living options

As baby boomers have reached retirement age, they’ve recognized the need for more retirement living options than their parents had. This US article examines 11 different options for senior living.
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