Crisis Housing

Ageing in what place? The experience of housing crisis and homelessness for older Victorians

Australia is facing signicant demographic shifts over the next decade as the population grows and ages.

Homelessness among older people and service responses

This paper reviews the limited evidence on the causes of homelessness in old age and on the circumstances and problems of older homeless people, and it describes the few services dedicated to the group.

Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People: Possible Models from Poland and the UK

Policies in many EU countries have sought to address the link between worklessness, reliance on state benefits and the attendant poverty that they inevitably bring. However, the focus has tended to be on the acquisition of skills and education amongst younger people.

Shelter-based convalescence for homeless adults in Amsterdam: a descriptive study

Adequate support for homeless populations includes shelter and care to recuperate from illness. This is a descriptive analysis of diagnoses and use of shelter-based convalescence in a cohort of homeless adults in Amsterdam. Over the last decades, shelter-based convalescence care programs increasingly emerged in the western world.

Coming of age: Opportunities for older homeless people under Supporting People

This report examines the challenges and proposes cost-effective solutions for 'Supporting People' commissioners, their partner agencies and providers to meet the challenge of older homelessness. The report considers: 1. the extent of the problem of homelessness among the elderly creative solutions 2.

Policy and service responses to rough sleeping among older people

Rough sleeping in Britain has a long history, and interventions have alternated between legal sanctions and humanitarian concern. This paper critically examines recent changes in homeless policies and services, with particular reference to the needs of older people who sleep rough. The characteristics and problems of the group are first described.

Personal coping strategies of the elderly in housing emergencies

Client files of a city emergency service agency were randomly sampled to examine the post-emergency experience of different types of elderly clients. More than half of the emergencies were housing related. Interviews with these clients six months to three years later reveal a high rate of continuing need, institutionalization, and death.
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