Ageing to our full potential – preparing for an older Australia

The Australian aged care system is in crisis as more older Australians are facing the prospect of being unable to access the care they need when they need it. In our Witness Statement to the Royal Commission on Aged Care Quality and Safety, Uniting Care Australia argued that the aged care system is not viable or sustainable in its current form as it “no longer meets the needs and expectations of its consumers and the Australian community more broadly”. System-wide reform is necessary to enable flexibility and fluidity in service delivery and funding accessibility, across the different services within the aged care system and beyond. A seamless interface needs to be created between aged care, health care and other community services (including housing) to meet the full range of people's needs, including exploring fully integrated technology solutions. The health, disabilities, aged care and housing sectors often share the same customers, however systems are often siloed and disjointed in their funding and models of care provision.