National Survey of Providers of Independent Living Units (ILUs) for people with relatively low incomes and low assets
According to the National Housing Supply Council, the demand from older-person households for private rental housing and social housing is estimated to grow 120% between 2008 and 2028 (from 146,200 to 321,400 for private rental housing and from 86,500 to 189,800 for social housing).A significant proportion of these households are living in housing that is not affordable. The 2011 Report of the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision notes that, even when taking into account Commonwealth Rent Assistance, 27.8% of households with a reference person or their partner aged 75 years or more (25,364) paid more than 30% of their income in rent.Under the Aged Persons Homes Act (APHA) 1954, between 1954 and 1986, the Commonwealth provided subsidies to not-for-profit organisations such as churches, service organisations, local organisations and local governments for the construction of dwellings for older people. It is estimated that around 32,500 independent living units (ILUs) for older persons were constructed. However, little is known about the current state of these ILUs.Swinburne Institute for Social Research (SISR) conducted a national survey through which it developed, for the first time, a national ILU database. This database will contribute to future research by providing researchers with a consolidated list of ILU organisations.