The causes of homelessness in later life: Findings from a 3-nation study
Homelessness is an intractable problem in many
affluent countries and affects people of all ages, although
much research and service provision have concentrated on
young adults. Since the late 1980s, a few studies have focused
on older homeless people and have found that many become
homeless for the first time in later life, raising questions about
why this happens, the unmet support needs of older people, and
how their homelessness can be prevented. Recently, a few
specialist services have been developed to meet their needs
(Warnes & Crane, 2000). Cohen and Sokolovsky (1989) argued
that many homeless people aged 50–59 years have chronic
health problems and disabilities normally associated with old
age and are unlikely to return to work. The age group may be
particularly disadvantaged as many welfare services are avail-
able to people only when they reach the officially recognized
thresholds of old age. This article reports a study of the causes of
homelessness among newly homeless older people in Boston,
Massachusetts, four English cities, and Melbourne, Australia. It
begins with brief descriptions of the study sites and the local
policies, services, and homeless populations.