
20 Sep 2023

Join HAAG, Wintringham and Homelessness Australia to discuss the reforms needed to both prevent and better respond to homelessness experienced by older people

17 Aug 2023

Please join us for our General Meeting, with reports from our Delegation to Canberra, Fair Go For Pensioners & preparations for our 40th anniversary with the making of a commemorative quilt.

10 Aug 2023

New original research conducted by Housing for the Aged Action Group by researchers at Swinburne University of Technology, Western Sydney University and Curtin University examining the housing circumstances of people aged 55 years and older, based on 2021 and 2011 Census analysis. The research launch will include both an analysis of the findings and the voices of people with a lived experience of homelessness, in a panel discussion introduced by Senator David Pocock.

8 Aug 2023

Join our information session for older LGBTIQA+ community members about the experiences of housing stress and homelessness for older LGBTIQA+ people at Fitzroy Library as part of Homelessness Week!

RSVP here

8 Aug 2023

As part of Homelessness Week, you are invited to attend a a screening of the documentary 'Undercover' to watch the complex and compelling stories of 10 diverse Australian women who are seeking to find a home to call their own.

8 Aug 2023

Do you need help to find a home that you can afford? Our Home at Last service can provide people in the Goulburn-Hume region with information and support to find affordable, Public or Community Housing. We can assist you directly, or connect you with other services. Come along for a chat with Teresa and Joan about your Housing issues.

7 Aug 2023

We are presenting an information session on accessing affordable housing at the Kew Library as part of Homelessness Week. The session will cover current housing trends, risk factors for homelessness, and how HAAG’s services can provide support.

12 Jul 2023

Are you skipping meals so you can afford your rent? Do you worry about your housing and how you can make ends meet? If this is you or someone you know, come along to this information session at Broadmeadows library on how people aged 50+ can access affordable housing.  

6 Jul 2023

On Friday 7th of July, Stephanie Agius, Rebecca Cook, Fiona Waters visited the Lorraine Bedella Seniors Centre in Altona North to deliver information about accessing affordable housing and aged care navigation through the Care Finder program. Vanessa Heart, Peer Educator attends the Macedonian social group weekly and translated the session. 24 people attended the session. 3 were signed up as Care Finder clients and 13 people signed on as HAAG members.

2 Jun 2023

Are you skipping meals so you can afford your rent? Do you worry about your housing and how you can make ends meet? If this is you or someone you know, come along to our Rosebud information session on how people, aged 50+ can access affordable housing.  
