
Sydney, June 18: Older people who are experiencing homelessness, couch surfing, and housing insecurity will continue to miss out on critical support that could prevent and end instances of homelessness, the latest NSW budget reveals.

An older LGTBQIA+ person was told by a real estate agent to ‘pray the gay away’ if they wanted to find a rental, according to a new survey from Housing for the Aged Action Group.

The survey, which gathered responses from 296 LGBTIQA+ people aged 40 and above, found over a third of respondents had felt discriminated against when trying to find housing.


Melbourne, May 15: Cost of living measures contained in the Federal Budget will help older people impacted by the housing crisis but only in the short-term.

Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) Executive Officer Fiona York says the impact of the cost of living measures on the wellbeing of older people is blunted by no new investment in public and community homes. The increase to Commonwealth Rent Assistance is so modest that it will barely be noticed.

Housing for the Aged Action Group will be able to support more older people struggling with high rents thanks to a new $7.8 million funding initiative included in the latest Victorian Budget!

The Gold Coast Homelessness Symposium is an event put on by the Gold Coast Homelessness network, an active group of service providers and individuals who are working towards solutions for the housing crisis in their region. In March 2024, organisers invited Fiona York as key note speaker at their symposium "Housing older Australians – Now and into the future", where she presented the data from HAAG's Ageing in a housing crisis report.

At the latest gathering of the Ageing on Edge NSW Coalition we heard from Alex Greenwich MP, Minister Rose Jackson and Rental Commissioner Trina Jones. The campaign is building support for our key targets of creating a specialist housing support service for older people,  lowering the priority age for priority housing access from 80 years, and building more Public and Community housing.


Building 60,000 new social housing homes, an improved definition of ‘affordable housing’, tackling discrimination in the private rental market, and improving security of tenure are recommendations from the Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis in Victoria that will help protect older Victorians from homelessness.
