
HAAG was invited by the Council to Homeless Persons to co-ordinate an older persons homelessness session at the recent Victorian Homelessness Conference held on Monday 14 October.

The Federal Election will be held on May 18th. With the rapidly increasing number of older people who are facing an uncertain housing future, the new federal government will need to implement a National Older Persons Housing Strategy to keep older Australians healthy, housed and at home.

Six community services in Victoria have joined the Aged Care Systems Navigator, a 15-month national trial led by Council of the Ageing (COTA) Australia and funded by the Australian Government, that will develop and test different models to support people to understand and engage with the aged care system. The national trial is a timely announcement with the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety hearing evidence around the challenges older people experiencing in trying to find their way around a complex aged care system.

We are pleased to announce that we are joining the Aged Care Systems Navigator trial, a 18 month national trial led by COTA Australia that will develop and test different models to support people to understand and engage with the aged care system. The project will consist of 62 trials delivered across the country to a range of different people, including vulnerable older Australians and those facing barriers accessing aged care.

The Ageing on the Edge NSW Forum calls on all parties in the upcoming NSW State Election to urgently introduce three key initiatives that will make a real difference to the lives of thousands of older people suffering significant rental hardship across the state of New South Wales

LGBTIQ organisations are disappointed to hear news this week that Switchboard Victoria’s ‘Out and About’ program is under threat due to Federal funding cuts. 'Out and About’ is a vital peer service connecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex (LGBTI) people across Victoria and aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness experienced by older members of LGBTIQ communities via a community visitors program.
