
On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Home at Last, a specialist housing support service for older people has revealed recent data showing a sharp spike in the number of clients reporting elder abuse over the last year. Since January 2018, 63 older people have reported abuse. This number has more than doubled since the same time last year.


Home at Last, are appalled at the findings of the Inquiry into the Public Housing Renewal Program which revealed that the previous redevelopment in Kensington (a model for the current program) actually decreased the total number of Public and Community houses by 36% and the number of bedrooms by 54%, while selling off the public land for just 5% of its market value.

Ageing on the Edge is seeking to form a national network of older people who are interested in being involved in taking action to get more help and housing for older people who don’t have a secure and affordable home in retirement.

Join the Network

Housing for the Aged Action Group has been bringing news and interviews about older people's housing to 3cr listeners for over 20 years. Whether it's changes to the law that affect older renters, campaigns for more public housing for our elders, or the specific issues that face older migrants and queer people, HAAG brings you information you won't find anywhere else.

Right now we're raising money to keep Raise the Roof on air as part of 3cr's annual Radiothon.  Any money you can spare will help us keep bringing you a unique combination of real-life experience, policy analysis, angry rants and bad jokes that you won't find anywhere else.

Radiothon 2018 is running between the 6th and 19th of June.

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Residents in registered Caravan and Residential Parks will now have access to the Energy and Water Ombudsman (EWOV) complaint and dispute resolution scheme from the 1st of July 2018. This is particularly good news, as prior to this residents had very little information or support in how to resolve or even approach embedded network disputes with operators.  See link for more information

The Ageing on the Edge NSW Forum has developed from the Ageing on the Edge Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project Reference Group. The Forum was convened in May 2018 to seek implementation of the key recommendations in the report, determine other key housing issues that need to be addressed for older people in NSW and work collaboratively towards achieving the Forum’s aims.

 Melbourne based Housing Support organisation Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) welcome Treasurer Scott Morrison’s announcement of 14,000 extra aged care home packages. The government’s sentiments that it is better for a person’s wellbeing to receive support in their own home than to go into aged care aligns with HAAG’s goal of assisting older people to maintain independent living in their community of choice.
However, the group believe that there is something crucial missing from this announcement (and the budget in general). That’s Older Private Renters.
