
By Simon Garner, The Senior 23 July 2016

By Jessica Irvine, The Sydney Morning Herald,  22 July 2016

The astounding finding that home-owning adults will soon be in the minority marks an important tipping point and demands a change to prevailing attitudes about renters and landlords...........

By Simon Leo Brown, ABC News, 19 July 2016

A call for submissions into a review of Victoria's tenancy laws has laid bare the tensions between renters and their landlords.....

By Robert Pradolin Financial Review 10 July 2016

"Governments and the private sector must work together to provide affordable and social housing, because, just like roads and rail, accommodation for all is critical infrastructure for the economy."

The Age 03 July 2016

HAAG Chairperson Daisy Ellery shares  her thoughts on the election......


By Jenny Smith- CEO of the Council to Homeless Persons. The Huffington Post 28 June 2016

"It’s now up to all political parties to ensure housing affordability is a top-tier federal election issue."

By Adam Morton. The Sydney Morning Herald 19 June 2016

The Greens want to have  a new national standards to protect renter's rights...... 
