Raise the Roof Podcasts

HAAGs radio show Raise the Roof airs at 5:30pm every second Wednesday 3CR Community Radio 855AM. The show explores the latest in housing issues, older people and tenants rights.

Renters and Housing Union

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Shane interviews secretary of the Renters and Housing Union about their call for better protections for renters.You can sign their petition here: https://rahu.org.au/sign-the-petition-rahu-demands-an-immediate-extension-to-the-eviction-ban/

Unmasking the Past - the 1919 flu pandemic and housing

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Fiona and Shane delve into the past with retired historian Dr Anthea Hyslop, currently in lockdown in the outskirts of Melbourne, Victoria who is noticing some startling parralels with the 1919 flu pandemic known as the "Spanish flu".  As one of the few experts on this part of our history, Anthea tells us about what happened a hundred years ago, the similarities and differences with what we are living through right now, and how the flu pandemic caused us to look at the link between housing and health.You can see more of Dr Anthea Hyslop on the ABC's Australian Story https://www.abc.net.au/austory/lest-we-forget/12297630

Public Housing tenants speak

Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Fiona & Shane talk to three public housing tenants, Jenny and Vanessa who are living in one storey units in the West, and Royal who lives in an older persons high rise in the southern region.  They were not part of the hard lock down, and have had very different experiences of the COVID-19 responses.  As with many public housing communities, they are looking out for each other - but finding the social isolation a struggle.

Hard Lockdown in Older Person's Highrise

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Fiona talks to three of our Housing Support Workers, Darwin, Paola and Nese, about the impact of the hard lockdown on public housing tenants in North Melbourne.  The hard lockdown was implemented without warning on 9 public housing towers, including 2 older person's housing blocks.  Our housing support workers relay what they found when contacting their clients in the days that followed, many of whom come from a non-English speaking background.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Fiona talks to Gary Ferguson, community education coordinator at Seniors Rights Victoria about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.Shane and Leonie are back, talking about all the HAAG news

LGBTI older people's housing issues

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
 Shane speaks to Rebecca Walton about her survey of LGBTI older people and housing.  Fiona talks about the latest Federal Govt announcement on housing stimulus. Sign the Everybody's Home Petition here:https://everybodyshome.com.au/filthy-rich-homeless/

Housing for older people across the nation

Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Fiona talks to Kobi Maglen, who has recently joined HAAG on our national project Ageing on the Edge, to give an update about housing for older people across the country.  Fiona also talks about our COVID-19 survey on older renters and housing

Where to build more public housing?

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Fiona talks to Liam Davies from the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT about their interim report into "surplus land" the government is planning to sell, and how better suited it would be to build more public housing.Shane talks about the latest rental reforms for COVID-19 and the inadequate response from government to assist older renters.

Finding housing during a pandemic

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Shane and Fiona talk to housing worker Melis about the challenges of housing older people during the coronavirus pandemic.  Shane talks about the changes to renting under proposed laws.

Older renters and COVID19

Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Shane and Fiona talk about the recent announcements for renters during the COVID19 crisis - do they go far enough for older renters?Then Fiona talks to Phyll, Pam and Maeve, all residents of independent living units, to see how they are coping with the stage 3 social distancing requirements, and asks whether living through other global crises like World War 2 has helped them in dealing with this one?
