Raise the Roof Podcasts
HAAGs radio show Raise the Roof airs at 5:30pm every second Wednesday 3CR Community Radio 855AM. The show explores the latest in housing issues, older people and tenants rights.
Centrestink - social security rights and you
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Shane and Pam interview Peter from Social Security Rights Victoria, about your rights on the pension and Newstart, and the impact on housing affordability.
New beginnings!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Introducing HAAG's new twice-monthly timeslot, Shane, Fiona and Pam talk about older people's housing issues and activism and we hear from two HAAG members who have recently moved into public housing.
Like a VOSS
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Voices of the South Side is a social inclusion and community-building program running out of Port Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre. We talk to Deb McIntosh, who runs the program, and a participant named Maurya about her experiences of homelessness and how VOSS helped her reconnect with her community.
Midsumma HAAGs
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Shane and Pam talk to Fiona York from HAAG about our new Service Navigator program, which will help people navigate the aged care system, as well as HAAG's expanding national project, and what we learnt from our stall at Midsumma Carnival.
2018 Year in Review
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Shane and Pam talk to HAAG's Fiona York about what 2018 brought - both for the organisation and for older people's housing issues more broadly.
Val's House
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Shane and Pam from HAAG talk to Pauline from Val's LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care about the specific housing needs of LGBTI older people, and what the state election results mean for older people's housing in Victoria.
Public housing activism, then and now
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Shane and Pam talk to outgoing HAAG manager April Bragg about decades of work and struggle for public housing. April talks about successful campaigns by public housing tenants of the 70s and 80s for security of tenure and against eviction. Great anecdotes about eviction resistance, direct action and the vital role of working class women in the struggles for housing justice.
Older people's housing news round up
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Shane and Pam discuss the latest news around older peoples' housing in Victoria, with an emphasis on the government's Residential Tenancies Act Amendment Bill and the possible changes to tenancy laws that will benefit older renters.
HAAG members on homelessness and housing stress
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Shane talks to HAAG members Maryanne and Jane about their experiences of private rental, homelessness and homelessness services, and what needs to change for older renters. Plus news about older people's housing issues. As mentioned during the show, if you're dealing with Centrelink and want some support or advice you can contact the Australian Unemployed Workers Union or Social Security Rights Victoria.
The Molly Hadfield Award
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
This month we talk to the volunteers and staff at the Barkly St Food Bank, recent winners of this year's Molly Hadfield award, named for the HAAG founder and celebrating outstanding services to older tenants.