Raise the Roof Podcasts

HAAGs radio show Raise the Roof airs at 5:30pm every second Wednesday 3CR Community Radio 855AM. The show explores the latest in housing issues, older people and tenants rights.

The Molly Hadfield Award

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
This month we talk to the volunteers and staff at the Barkly St Food Bank, recent winners of this year's Molly Hadfield award, named for the HAAG founder and celebrating outstanding services to older tenants. 

Vijay and Gemma

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
This month we talk to HAAG member Vijay about her experiences as a radio host in India as well as her housing struggles in Australia. Gemma tells us about a new project to increase involvement of people from CALD backgrounds at HAAG. Shane gives an update on HAAG's retirement housing project including important casework and lobbying work. 

A drop in the bucket

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Shane talks to Maurine, a retirement village resident who's been trying to get management to fix a leak in her unit for over six months. Why is it so hard to resolve disputes in retirement villages? Plus, how she avoided the boot factory as an adolescent. We also hear from a couple of happy HAAG members about their experiences of homelessness and housing stress, and how things worked out for them. 

Award-winning radio

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
HAAG manager Fiona York talks about the organsation's prize-winning efforts as we work to smash homelessness and housing stress for older people. If you want to get in touch about anything on the show please call us on 9654 7389.

Older people's housing round-up

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Long-time HAAGies Jeff and April came in to talk about where HAAG and older people's housing issues are at, including HAAG's national project, public housing stock transfers, and changes to public housing eligibility for older people. If you want to get in touch you can call HAAG on (03) 9654 7389.

Retirement housing, a right not a privilege

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Aoife and Shane talk about HAAG's expanded Retirement Housing Project and the issues that come up in these supposedly older-person-friendly kinds of housing - plus how the residents are fighting back. If you want to get in touch you can call HAAG on (03) 9654 7389. 

Big shoes to Phyll?

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
New HAAG chair Phyll Williams talks about the biggest issues in older people's housing, and her vision and goals for the future. If you want to get in touch you can call us on (03) 9654 7389. 

HAAG Royalty

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Royal Abbott joins us to talk about an exciting new project documenting the history of HAAG and struggles over public housing more broadly.

Remembering Carmel

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Carmel McMennemin was a longtime member of HAAG who sadly passed away a few weeks ago, and on today's show we celebrate her memory and the values she spent her life fighting for. 

Wantirna Residents Action Group

Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Wantirna Caravan Park has around 200 residents, many of them older people, who have been told the park will close after a developer built the land. Now those residents face eviction, but they're not taking it lying down. Guest host Aoife Cooke brings us audio from a recent meeting organised by the residents to demand better treatment and protection for themselves and other park residents. 
