Beverley Kliger
Ageing and Women's Homelessness, Fighting the bag lady syndrome
Australia is facing a tsunami of poverty amongst ageing female baby boomers that will directly affect their well-being, economic viability, and housing options.
This paper sets out the key findings from research into older women and housing security in Australia.
Ageing and Women's Homelessness: Overcoming the bag lady syndrome
Australia is facing a tsunami of poverty amongst ageing female baby boomers that will directly affect their well-being, economic viability, and housing options. Flow-on effects will impact on families, support agencies, governments, and the community as whole.
While support agencies and federal and state governments have recognised the issue there has been little action.
Older women and homelessness, a literature review
The catalyst for this literature review, which is a joint initiative of the City of Booroondara and the Salvation Army EastCare, was the lack of service options, coupled with the increasing demand for services to provide appropriate housing and support for older women, including women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.Unfortunately, the plight of older women confronting