Australian Ageing Agenda
Older women the new face of homelessness
Older women have emerged as one of the most vulnerable groups in relation to housing insecurity and homelessness in Australia in recent years. They are not a group that is historically associated with homelessness and indeed, many older women have never been homeless before.
Want to age well? Fix the housing system
We need urgent action from government, business and the not-for-profit sector on the financing and supply of more affordable and social housing for older people.
The grey ghettos: seniors on the fringes doing it tough
A landmark analysis of census data shows that a “wellbeing divide” is emerging among older Australians, with housing the key issue. The Index of Wellbeing for Older Australians identified the areas where seniors with the lowest level of wellbeing lived, and the factors that contributed most to their low wellbeing.