Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute

How has homelessness changed between 2011-2016?

This is the first of three AHURI Briefs that examines Census data to understand how homelessness is changing in Australia.

Social housing as infrastructure: an investment pathway

This research modelled five alternative pathways to funding social housing and found the ‘capital grant’ model, supplemented by efficient financing, provides the most cost effective model for Australia. The research also established the current and future unmet need for social housing in different parts of Australia.

Supporting older lower income tenants in the private rental sector

The housing situation for older lower income renters differs from younger lower income renters in that they have finished their working life (and usually have low levels of wealth), they have very limited incomes (i.e.

Social housing as infrastructure: an investment pathway

Ensuring necessary and appropriate levels of social housing investment begins with a well-evidenced understanding of the scale, type and location of need and secondly, an accurate understanding of the cost of procuring appropriate dwellings in the right locations.

Australian demographic trends and implications for housing assistance programs

The study forecasted future expenditure on housing assistance programs; the additional outlays on ISPs due to asset test concessions to home owners; and the aggregate value of home owner tax subsidies. These three housing subsidy components are estimated to increase from $25 billion in 2011 to $32.8 billion in 2031.

Supporting older lower income tenants in the private rental sector

Retired lower income households living in the private rental sector face rent increases and insecure tenure while being on low fixed incomes (i.e. the age pension).

Recent housing transfer experience in Australia: implications for affordable housing industry development

Focusing primarily on public housing transfers in Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania, this Inquiry analysed the associated processes and frameworks to reveal the lessons learned. The case studies reveal aspects of transfer practices such as capturing Rent Assistance-enhanced revenues; the transfer of ‘management’ rather than freehold title; and the absence of a role for tenants.

Australian demographic trends and their implications for housing subsidies

This Positioning Paper is the first output of a project that aims to forecast future housing subsidies that will accompany projected demographic changes and the challenges these trends may pose for the fiscal sustainability of housing policy.

Entries and Exits from Homelessness: A dynamic analysis of the relationship between structural conditions and individual characteristics

This report examines the relationship between structural factors, individual characteristics and homelessness. Our interest in the interaction of structural conditions and individual characteristics gives rise to two secondary research questions.

Housing priorities of people with dementia: Security, continuity and support

This report aims to equip housing practitioners and policy-makers with new knowledge about the future housing and support needs of people with dementia.
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