The Conversation

Tiny houses: Interest is growing but who wants them and why?

My research to date has found a marked increase in people who want their own tiny house, particularly among older women. Based on earlier research, I argued tiny houses could be part of a solution to the perennial and wicked problem of unaffordable housing, as well as improving urban density and the environmental sustainability of housing. Demographically, interest in tiny houses is biased towar

Three reasons the government promotes home ownership for older Australians

Government strategies to manage population ageing largely assume that older Australians are home owners. There is often an implied association between home ownership and ageing well: that is, older Australians who own homes are seen as having made the right choices and as being less of a budget burden. The problem with this approach is that not everyone is or can be a home owner.

What do single, older women want? Their ‘own little space’ (and garden) to call home, for a start

The “great Australian dream” of owning your own home is rapidly proving to be an illusion for many in the early 21st century. In an environment of exceedingly high house prices, groups who don’t have secure, long-term employment are at risk of homelessness, particularly as they age.

Suitable, affordable housing is key to our population ageing well

If Australian seniors are to remain healthy and work longer, the importance of appropriate housing cannot be underestimated. Much attention is being paid to the rising cost of health care for an ageing population.

Affordable housing is a problem for older Australians, too

Seniors are often overlooked in discussions of housing affordability. This may be because there is a perception that they have bought, and paid off, their homes. However, housing availability and affordability present significant difficulties for many older people. Contrary to popular belief, many older people are not home owners or choose (or can afford) to live in retirement villages.
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