Housing costs force Queensland’s age pensioners into poverty
Queensland couples who rely on the age pension and rent in the private market are at the greatest risk of living in poverty compared to other seniors.
Housing an Ageing Population - An approach to improving housing affordability, liveability and financial resilience for senior Australians
Discussion of the concept of co-housing and the results of a UTS research project looking at co-housing for older people as a way of accessing affordable housing.
Age-Friendly Cities and Communities - Information Kit for Local Government Councillors and Senior Management
Local government has a pivotal role in leading and facilitating communities where people of all ages, regardless of ability or life stage, can live a quality life.
The international context for ageing has been refocussed. Four priority areas for action were endorsed at the international level in 2016, with age-friendly environments as one of the priorities.
Three reasons the government promotes home ownership for older Australians
Government strategies to manage population ageing largely assume that older Australians are home owners. There is often an implied association between home ownership and ageing well: that is, older Australians who own homes are seen as having made the right choices and as being less of a budget burden.
The problem with this approach is that not everyone is or can be a home owner.
Health and welfare profile of Australian baby boomers who live in rented accommodation – implications for the future
Baby boomers who rent are often overlooked as an important sub-group. this research assessed the chronic conditions, risk factors, socio-economic factors and other health-related factors associated with renting in private or public housing.
What do single, older women want? Their ‘own little space’ (and garden) to call home, for a start
The “great Australian dream” of owning your own home is rapidly proving to be an illusion for many in the early 21st century.
In an environment of exceedingly high house prices, groups who don’t have secure, long-term employment are at risk of homelessness, particularly as they age.
Housing equity withdrawal: Perceptions of obstacles among older Australian home owners and associated service providers
Housing wealth dominates the asset portfolios of the older population in Australia and many other countries. Given the anticipated spike in fiscal costs associated with population ageing, there is growing policy interest in housing equity withdrawal (HEW) to finance living needs in retirement.
The downsizing cost traps awaiting Australian retirees – here are five reasons to be wary
This article debunks the myth of zero housing costs in retirement.
The concept of zero housing costs in retirement is based on a 1940s view of a well-maintained, single dwelling on a single allotment of land where the mortgage has been paid off.
Defining 'At Risk of Homelessness': Re-connecting Causes, Mechanisms and Risk
A key focus of homelessness policy across the Anglophone world is to prevent homelessness by targeting interventions to those considered “at-risk”, yet the term “at-risk of homelessness” remains ambiguous. A solid definition is required. Typically, risk is defined using those factors that are over-represented in the population of interest.
Partnering for impact to reduce homelessness in Queensland
'Partnering for Impact' details the broad directions and initial actions to generate innovation and revitalisation in the Queensland Government's response to homelessness. The first step will implement 5-year service agreements for existing services.
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