
Women over 55 are Australia's fastest growing group of homeless

An introduction service for flatmates, converting family homes into partly self-contained apartments and building community-funded homeless shelters are among new attempts to help older Australian women find secure housing. Women over 55 are the fastest growing group of homeless people in Australia, though men and younger people are much more likely to be homeless, 2016 census data shows.

Reducing the Risk of Older Women’s Homelessness

Citing Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself (sic) and of his (sic) family, including ... housing) this presentation looks at risk factors associated with homelessness for ageing women in Australia. (National Housing Conference 2019, Darwin)

Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Thinkpiece

Global trends and domestic policy have challenged Australia’s traditional owner-occupier housing model and undermined the assumption of zero housing costs in retirement that underpins both our retirement income and aged care systems. Housing has become a commodity, a place where investors grow wealth to hand down inter-generationally while others become increasingly vulnerable to housing stress.

Articulating value in cooperative housing: International and methodological review

This report details the evidence for identified benefits of cooperative housing, the variables of business models in operation, and core enabling factors.

The Seniors Housing Gateway - A safety net for older people at risk of homelessness

Australia needs to urgently address the rapidly increasing problem facing large numbers of older people, the majority women, at risk of homelessness.

Older Women’s Risk of Homelessness: Background Paper

This background paper provides context regarding older women’s homelessness. It offers some potential solutions to reduce women’s risk of homelessness with a focus on preventative and innovative approaches that look beyond social and community housing as the answer.

Elderly homeless in paradise, 52 per cent rise in older women accessing crisis services

The Gold Coast's St Vincent de Paul's Cornerstone Homelessness Prevention Service reported 27 per cent of referrals in June were people over 55, many were women over 60. The service is in the process of finalising plans for six units of accommodation in Arundel which will be specifically for this growing age group.

Fall in ageing Australians’ home-ownership rates looms as seismic shock for housing policy

Outright home ownership has long been regarded as a supporting pillar of Australian retirement incomes policies. Increasingly, concerns that rising mortgage debt and falling home ownership rates in later life are undermining the role of home ownership in supporting retirees’ financial wellbeing.

'One rent increase from disaster’ Older renters living on the edge in Western Australia

Recent trends in Australia indicate homelessness and the risk of homelessness is increasing for low income older households. The Ageing on the Edge Project is a five year initiative (2016–2020) that aims to gather evidence and conduct research that supports a compelling need for better housing and support services for older people. This is the third report produced as part of this project.

Ageing to our full potential – preparing for an older Australia

The Australian aged care system is in crisis as more older Australians are facing the prospect of being unable to access the care they need when they need it.
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