Ways Out of Homelessness in Central Europe
While there have been several European projects and exchanges of know-how and good practice in the field of housing, representatives of the partner organizations of this project felt the need for focusing exclusively on local solutions from the region.
A good place to grow older – the Hungarian case
The ageing of the society is a well-documented phenomenon in Hungary. In 1990 the population 65+ constituted 13.2% of the society. By 2009 the rate has grown to 16.4%. By 2050 population projection predicts 29.4% for Hungary.
There is an urgent need in the adaptation of the current social care policies to follow the demographic and social changes.
Challenges of cross-national housing research with older persons: lessons from the ENABLE-AGE project
This article discusses the cross-national project Enabling Autonomy, Participation, and Well-Being in Old Age: The Home Environment as a Determinant for Healthy Ageing.
Cross-national, interdisciplinary research always entails challenges, while those involving person-environment research have not yet been reported much in the literature.