United States of America
A growing number of towns and cities have found a practical solution to homelessness through the construction of tiny-house villages
Second Wind Cottages, a tiny-house village for the chronically homeless in the town of Newfield, New York State and Quixote Village, a similar project in Olympia, Washington are examined in this article.
The projects are part of a national movement of tiny-house villages, in the US, an alternative approach to housing the homeless that's beginning to catch the interest of national advocates a
Housing America's Older Adult's: Meeting the Needs of an Older Population
A discussion looking at the scale of public policy challenges needed in addressing the implications of the profound demographic shift occurring in the US and the steps to address the deficiencies in the housing stock, community preparedness, and the health care system vital to the national standard of living.
Aging in Community: The Communitarian Alternative to Aging in Place, Alone
Innovative options for aging in place in the US are leading to a new
paradigm known as aging in community—a grassroots movement of like-minded citizens who come together to create systems of mutual support and caring to maximize their ability to remain, as they age, in their homes and communities.
Aging in community promotes social capital—a sense of social connectedness and interdependence—enhan
A Tale of Two Community Initiatives for Promoting Aging in Place: Similarities and Differences in the National Implementation of NORC Programs and Villages
Villages and Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) Supportive Service Programs (NORC programs) are among the most prominent community-based models for promoting aging in place. To advance systematic understanding of their development, this study examined how these models have been implemented nationally and the models’ similarities and differences.
Aging in Community: The Communitarian alternative to aging in place, alone
The prospect of aging, particularly in our culture rampant with ageism, is disconcerting, even frightening to many people. These feelings were the impetus for a small group of us to gather in 1999.
Aging in Place in the Village - Social Work Roles Shine
This article focuses on the grassroots, consumer-driven, volunteer-first model that is most prominent in the US Village movement for older people wanting to age in place.
Age-Friendly Chicago Phase 1 Findings from focus groups with older adults in Chicago’s senior centers
This report is designed to prompt discussion about the future challenges associated with increasing numbers of older adults aging in place in the city.
We aim to present older Chicagoans’ views and opinions of their city as an enabling and/or disabling environment.
Living together privately: for a cautious reading of cohousing
The paper analyses cohousing as a part of the phenomenon of private residential communities. First, we provide an overview of cohousing and we identify its five constitutive characteristics. Second, we propose a comparison between the constitutive features of cohousing and of other kinds of private residential communities.
Meeting the Housing and Care Needs of Older Homeless Adults: A Permanent Supportive Housing Program Targeting Homeless Elders
The homeless population is aging faster than the general population in the United States. As this vulnerable population continues to age, addressing complex care and housing needs will become increasingly important.
Aging in Place in the Village — Social Work Roles Shine
The Older Americans Act of 1965 was intended to address the long term care needs of older adults and provide opportunities to remain meaningfully engaged in community life as one ages. However, gaps and fragmentation in long term services leave many without adequate support to remain independent.
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